Ohhh man sorry for not posting a bit (particularly Jenny XD)
Oh where to start...the photo shoot!
Behind the SCENES...dum dum dum!!!
Or should I talk about batman? mayhaps....
The Dark Knight was CRAWSOME! I am so thankful Jose, Brandon, and Judy were there 2 hours beforehand to wait in line. I was a bit late due to work :\
After school, the usual routine, I came to work...trying to get a lock off my backpack that I placed in senior year. I forgot the combo...so had to destroy it.

Sooooooooooo Boreddddd, t'was slowwww at the store X_X
I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep too....reading comics and shit....don't judge, you don't know me :O!

After work, went to see the Dark Knight w/ my friends. The original plan was to see it at the IMAX, but they had bizarre hours :\ so we just went to the normal showing. Look at the fucking line!

Look! Batman and the joker are working together!

Afterwards...seeing as how the Palladium doesn't really have much to do other than seeing movies....
we went to Sonic.

Welcome to the Scion club!

...Sonic was closed, only the freakin' Drive Thru was open, so....we went to the gas station next door for drinks. Probably cheaper that way...damn recession!

Before we called it a night, Jose and Brandon had an "epic" bottle-sword fight.....I think Jose won? I dunno.
I don't CARE enough to pay attention to something like that :P
NEXT DAY! SATURDAY!!!Wooo!! Photo Shoot!!!
I started practicing at work before I went XD

Thought of a cool way to promote the store, a series of short films that is taken place in it. Get my friends and myself to write short stories. That way we all have turns being director and actors :)

We all gathered first, and began to decide what we were going to do on such short notice XD

Shrek is
Photo Shoot Theme: Roman Wear

Photo Shoot Theme: The Beat Up
Story: Nerd gets beaten up by the neighborhood Bully, the Bully gets beaten up by two school girls.

Freshman Trekkie comes back!...in style??

"What? You don't know me! Don't judge!"

Psh, w/e Jose!....trying hard to look kool XD

I think this was the funnest one to shoot, in my honest opinion.

Damn, Shrek looks like his stereotype! He just needs the Virgin tattooed and his last name in old English letters....I mean what? I'm not prejudice. Not at all. Why are you looking at me like that?
Oh w/e!
We're all fucking prejudice in our own ways and besides, I'm from San Antonio. It's kool.
Special Effects Artist: Me!

Jose secretly DOES want to be like Batman XD It's his passion!!!

After the success of our photo shoot (and as a reward), we went to Bubble Head :)

Hookah + Uno + Bubble Tea = Great Night

After THAT, we went to my sis's house to play Rockband

We even got TREKKIE to SING!!! WOOO Go Trekkie!!! Singin' Blondie XD!! He Would!

Man, after that great Saturday I had work the next day :\ But hey, need to make the money and help out the family. Oh but look at Happy....he is such a spaz. The Reason he is in the sink is to capture the water drops....weirdo.
Well, talking about water.....there was a huge water leak behind the bar we own. Look it! It's like a mini geyser!
Shit, I don't need to go to Yellowstone!

Okay, I am WELL aware that these pics seem a bit staulkerish but that ISN'T my intention!!!
I'm doing it for the sake of art and demonstration on how the weather was that day!
You don't know me! Don't judge!!!! >O!!!

Looking out the window~

Monday, afterschool....met up with Judy and later on with Shrek to...Kate's Frosting!!! It's not "Hey Cupcake," but nevertheless delicious <3

Judy....he's so Emo.


Hah...it's a small cupcake...that's what she said!
Anyways...nothing else to say...but the weather is clearing up. I wont be able to run around in the rain anymore, but hey it was fun while it lasted. At least now I'll be able to go out with friends. Like today, we saw Mongol. GREAT MOVIE. Hell, I wanted to OWN that movie. Beautiful soundtrack (Mongolian techno is awesome XD), beautiful cinematography, good cast (Ghengis Kahn was played by a Japanese Guy! Tadanobu Asano!) , great costume designs and props....god I want those swords X_X......and did I mention.....a handful of handsome Asian guys with long hair?
THAT being said, I'll leave you a picture of my mom's sunflower. I hope good weather and happy days keep on rolling. See you then :)!
***(To see the pictures from the photo shoot:The Beat UpRoman WearIf you have Facebook, please be sure to comment!! It'd be well appreciated :D!
Labels: Dark Knight, Hurricane, Mongol, Photo Shoot, Sonic