Kokeshi Doll:
Seen Through Wide Screen
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Post # 1 This weekend
I've been working weekends now :\ Right when Jose and Jenny are going to leave. Sadnessss.

But Saturday was pretty slow. I'm complaining about the profit we made, but....I'm not complaining cause I didn't have to do so much :D I mean what?....I'm not lazy or anything.... >_>
Heh....I see Yuuko^My mama is so pretty! Uncle Pat...chattin' up the customers....he's so flirty....I mean, what?So I "invited" some friends to eat the restaurant.
More like me whining to them saying, "COME EAT AT THE RESTAURANT! It's SLOW!!! :("
I thought they were all hanging out, but apparently not. But hey, at least Shrek, Jenny, Trekkie, and Abraham came :D
My mom really spoiled them w/ tempura and sushi.....The "Whities" weren't even that hungry XD
But Hey, at least Shrek ordered something :)Ahahahah, Shrek is the minority of the group! :P
After the restaurant closed, my friends and I chilled outside of the restaurant chatting as usual. We hadn't seen Shrek in a while. 2 weeks for me, ever since I've been working more. Well, at least I'm bankin'. I need the money. No, I am not going to whore myself out. Ohhh responsibility, why must u continue to rain on all of us? Haha, it may be easier being a kid but there's a lot more things you're capable of doing as you grow older.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
awwwe, That evening was fun!! I'm glad we were able to alleviate your boredom :P

Your uncle Pat IS a charmer ;) I'm sure he gets y'all some extra cash ;);). And your mom is so awesome. I can't even comprehend.