Sooo sorry for being late on this, I haven't been updating weekly as I wish I did. But beeeeen sooo busy @_@ either that or just bad :\ least I found a great place to sit and read on campus. Well it's not really "finding" but...I do like it. Here's the view <3


Can you spy my Strawberry Fruitkula? .....well...sorry that these pics are so small :\
After classes, I went to hang out at the Hide Out w/ Leslie and An....after a


The Cinnamon Rolls at the Hide Out <3 <3 <3 Divine!!!

After the week ended, it was my first time ACTUALLY staying the weekend in Austin rather than going back to San Antonio to work......yayyyyy!

Kind of partied a bit....smokers!

Not really a party...but...did drink a bit. Aaaaaand the results were not good. I wasn't drunk though! Just....buzzed??? Regardless, I was VERY pink. Like my sister! But hey, it's the Asian genes, mind u. I am a lighter-than-light-light weight.

While everyone was chillin', Shrek made us some brownie-reeses-cupcakes!
They were mostly for his class, but he made us a batch too :D!
They were scrumptious <3

Poor Vinnie....she so wished :P!
SATURDAY! We went to Austin Books & Comics (my first time!)
....needless to say I exploded. Where to start, where to start indeed!

Hulk Ass?
Afterwards, we went to Chili's like a big family...Vinnie being the mother XD
She threatened to turn around because of Kathleen, An, and me :(!!!
It's not our fault that An is insanely ticklish and easy to pick on!....wait....
From Dinner onwards, Vinnie had to seperate and pick up the family she house watches for...but in the mean time, we went to the new arcade here in Austin (Arcade UFO).
My response: otaku overload, otaku overload! So help me God! Einsteins come back!
Well, I'm sure it'll die out? Well hopefully not, we need the arcade to stay up here.
It's just....Video Game junkies scaaaare me :\

Saturday: An had to leave, it was pretty kool to have him come by....and do the dishes :P

After he left, I went to the mall w/ Shrek....that's where we saw EARS!!!! XD!
It was an eventful Saturday for Shrek, but for was pretty lazy.....I dunnnnno why.
Ah I know....cause I had homework....damn.

18 hours sure does take up your time, not only that but I AM going back and forth from Austin to San Antonio to work. I don't mind work...I getz money :D
But I don't see much of my friends, or rather we've all seemed to have drifted due to working hours....le sigh, oh well. My main focus now is to graduate as early as I can (at least one semester).
I'm already in between Sophmore and Junior, I'm also going to take more summer classes as well...ohhhh busy day. But hey, saving money?
In a way...
Although I am busy, I still am doing art :D! Especially for sculpture.... -_-
See? My balcony is my studio <3

I'll update again soon!