Aiiya, had 3 hours of sleep fucking tired.
My sleeping schedule and eating habits have burnt down. Well, lack of sleep due to homework and extracurricular events. Messed up eating habits...cause I got bored of the food I usually eat and am apathethic about eating new things. Stupid contradictions.
BUT I made kitsune udon on my own! It was delicious <3
And man oh man, I am loving my sequential arts class...the projects are pure awesomeness <3
Typography is okay, Sculpture is alright.
My worst class is probably World Lit. Aghhhh, I suck at writing. This class makes it a bit more apparent. Maybe I'm just out of shape on it? World Religions, so far is pretty easy so I'm not THAT concerned. Japanese as well, but I need to re-learn all my kanji....fuck!
Things to do:
1.) Read for World Lit. - Paper 1, and catch up on reading
2.) Read for World Religions - Reflective paper
3.) Read for Typography - Project is practically done....:P
4.) Read for Sequential Arts - flip book proj :D!
5.) Read for Japanese - study kanji!
6.) Re-do the min torsos~
Ohhhh thank god I'm taking this weekend off <3 Time to read and sleep!
Ahhh....I know this entry isn't much of a picture blog...sorry. Haha, afterall no one wants to READ a blog!
But man...I'm exhausted and not in the best mood.
First A^3 meeting.......I knew there weren't going to be that many people, but....still kind of hurts :\
Sec and Treasurer couldn't be there, only for a little bit. VP was a bit scatter minded...and not all that sober... I got tongue-tied. DAMNIT. Should've planned this a bit more. Need to be more organized.
I feel as if our first impression...really did suck ass. ah week, I'll be a bit more prepared.
Next week...I'll bake something <3
Next week....g2 collect dues, and plan on a t-shirt.
Man, I sound really busy, but really...I'm not that busy to the point of death. I'm just being a bit emo atm. hahahahah~!
Until next time~ OH! I forgot to share atleast ONE pic on this entry!

Just for you, Judy! In courtesy of Vanessa :P
Don't know why I was sent this random~!
Labels: A^3, homework, paper, projects, school
A^3 is just too 1337 for everyone else. I know if I was Asian and at St. Ed's, I'd totally come.
Remember I'll always be on whenever you need me for to work on papers.
get more sleep >=(... OR ELSE!
OMG! I would totally go to your A^3 meetings! I think one day I'll just randomly show up... even though
a.) I'm not Asian
b.) I don't go to St. Edwards
c.)I don't live in Austin
d.) all of the freakin 'bove!
but totally... you can plan on it.. I'll just walk in oh so casually and cool... get kicked out 5 seconds later... take a nap outside (I hear it's quite comfortable ^.~)