Kokeshi Doll:
Seen Through Wide Screen
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Plastic Tree
Ahhhh I've been falling more and more in love with Plastic Tree

This is from their latest album "Utsusemi"
I've been listening to it nonstop along with their other stuff... :O

oooh another band that I stumbled upon last month is: heidi.

Ahhhh two good bands, and listening to them while I walk in this weather is so nice <3

Last year it was Uverworld (their song 51% is so cute) and LM.C
ohhh can't forget about Antic Cafe...but they've changed and became a bit too sweet and colorful for me. It's like...I can get another cavity just by looking at them or listening to their stuff!
I missed them when they had Bou ;-;
Oh well, time has passed and a band has to do what is needed.

but I must admit.... heidi. the guys aren't that cute, but damn are they talented to my ears. Yoshikiko's vocals are great :)
But...I like Ryuutarou's(Plastic Tree) is probably a bit better.

okay...enough babbling and procrastinating...I guess I'll continue on my Typography.
Crap. :P

I got a new phone! It's actually a DIFFERENT model!
Well...I had to get a different one, I don't think they make mine anymore...lol the worker was surprised in seeing mine still active...hahah, I'm just old school, huh? Or no...I'm just thinking of myself in that light :P
Well, I've upgraded. Hopefully this phone wont blank out like my previous one. Shit, what horrid luck. It was Halloween night for God's sake! I went to 6th street, I could've gotten lost and wouldn't have been able to call anyone! Well...thank God that didn't happen...

surprise surprise!
I don't have all my #'s in it so...when I txt back "who is this?" don't be offended... lol

*(p.s. how does everyone like the new layout + bgm?)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Love the layout 8D

don't do your homework. . . post to your blooooog

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hahaha yay for procrastination.

ur blog layout is coool, i like thats its ur artwork in the background...who's bgm? am i gonna get kicked for that?

u got the rumor? u totally broke ur phone on purpose to get that, jk. that does suck that it happened on Halloween though, on 6th street of all place.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
do you still have MY number???

i've heard plastic tree before cos of sam. it's ok =] lol

since i dont see you on the weekends, i think you and i should chill this week. on a school night!!! *le gasp*