I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but I don't think people really read this blog so it's cool.
People like pictures, I don't have any pictures atm = no readers
I really need to get myself that ext. hard drive...a terabyte!!!! :P I wish
I'd probably just settle for a 500 gb one....though a terabyte would be ridiculously awesome!
so.....2009 eh?
Well hmm....to sum up my New Years eve:
- work, work, more work....fuck I missed the countdown! work...
- Change --> Party!
- Drink : I finished A drink! (Vodka splash cranberry juice)....yes, I'm weak, but shaddap! I at least FINISHED a drink! Though I got pink... lol
- Saw Shrek a bit buzzed XD!

- Hung out w/ Kiwi (that's his nickname, real name is Michael)
(I don't like the pic Shrek took....cause u can actually see me and I look retarded XD!)
- Crazy night
Ahhh....January was a bit boring though....although I met up with Vanessa and we had our Kid's Meal night! Judy came along the way... :P
As usual, we hung out at Landa <3

My holiday break was good... I at least saw Jenny, Trekkie, Jose, and Abraham. Of course I saw Judy...and Shrek....well I see him practically everyday >P!!!
ah...but I have still haven't seen Ramos...that jerk :(
Work is work...I'm not banking atm due to shopping and shit....bleh....well...whatevs
Here's to leave a note:
I don't have a New Years resolution yet...but...for sure, I want to change (for the better of course).
Either of looks, health, lifestyle, and such...change is needed...
But hey, isn't that everyone?