Man, that was a break that I needed indeed!
ECAASU 2009 was fun :)
Although it was a bit unorganized...and there were some issues on registration (I better get my $75 back!), the whole feeling of it was fun. This year it was at Rutgers, and it seemed like they were on a bit of a tight budget...seeing as how the shirts were rather plain and there were a lot of repeats...oh well....the atmosphere was at least better than the one at Cornell.

All aboard~! Ah...but MAN, I was so scared cause Connie made it like at the VERY LAST SECOND on the flight...that girl is going to give me a heart attack!

I love airports...the structures are always somewhat unique.
Here's the windows of the Newark airport

We WERE going to take the taxi to New Brunswick...but holy hell it was $ we took the Air Transit....which was $12

yeah.....we were a bit tired

After the Air Transit...went on the train~!

When we got to the Train Station...we had to look for our hotel.
Good thing it was like down the street.

Rutgers in New Brunswick!....a place where there is basically NOTHING to do... -_-

We had issues with our hotel and registration....they claimed that Jarrett's card was declined and that he didn't pay for Connie. We had to call Erica....and as for registration...I paid for Connie....Rutger's ECAASU staff STILL hasn't sent me back the reciept to get reimbursed...
FUCKING SHIT! I want my $75!

After our hotel and registration was situated...we walked around thinking that there'll be some cool There were none.

lol, but they had Chinese Laundry!
ECAASU begins...

Opening ceremony...+ entertainment
Danny Cho was the speaker/host...he was pretty hilarious XD!

Entertainment consisted of student dance groups...
a lot of frats and sororities did some step dancing

The South Asian troupes were awesome...I'm sorry but they were far more interesting :P

Johnny Phlo was also there, his Korean rap was intense! o_O
Afterwards....we basically chilled in the room...I even got bold as to wanting to curl my hair!
I asked Connie...and well....lets just say since my hair was in a ponytail throughout the whole day it was she tried working with it....needless to say:

it didn't work. :(!!!!
ECAASU 2008 was organized and seemed like it had a lot more....but it seemed pretty up
-tight. Not to mention I was with two people who were in a fight between each other... X_X
Being the gopher sucks~~~~!

But this year I went with Jason and Connie, and we at least stuck together. They were awesome :)!
We even went to NYC before the Saturday workshops and mixers. Ah~~ I can't wait to go back to NYC for spring break!!! ♥♥♥


Empire state building!!!

OMG! Just like in the movies~~~!!! was funny, I overheard some other tourists talking about the taxis...and what made me smile the most about their conversation was that:
They were talking about the Cash Cab XD!
I was so thinking the same~ tourists. Psh. :P

My God, this MAC model scared the bejezuz out of me! But damn he was awesome
...and gay in a sexy matter. I mean, what?


Although riding the trains and such are fun...the conductors can be such assholes. Everyone there is so fast paced that they get impatient so easily. We tried asking this one conductor where our train was and he just pushed us away saying go check the monitors. We checked....didn't we ask the info ppl...they told the same thing. Frustrating as hell, considering our train that we needed was departing in 3 minutes...
FINALLY, Jason asked someone USEFUL and she told us what track we needed to be on.
Now...was that so FUCKING HARD?!?

We barely (hardly) made it to our mixers...I know they didn't make it, but the mixer group I belonged was still going at it...I saw Melissa, Denise, and Kell again though :)!
I stayed in the same room for the workshop....omg, good choice on my behalf.

See the 2nd guy to the right? THAT'S PARRY SHEN!!! From
Better Luck Tomorrow! Holy Shit!

They were talking about their project
Secret Identities which is an anthology of comics with Asian Americans as the hero/protagonist. I got it preordered...and autographs...teehee :D
After the workshops...we went to the dinner banquet

It was organized to meet people...we were sitting with people from NYU and Syracruse College.

Then comes the closing ceremony + entertainment...couldn't take pictures but the poetry slam for the entertainment was pretty awesome in an inspirational way.
After ECAASU, I went to a Frat Party with Connie.
(btw, Jose if you're reading this: I went to the Villanova room first then to the Frat Party
That's how I met some of the ASA members! :D!)
Frat parties......are random, indeed! The location was in the Lamda frat's basement. The ratio was 4 girls 1 guy, but towards the end it was whatever. There were even times when we all had to be quiet because the cops were patrolling the neighborhood. Hahha....weird.
I had some drinks, but man am I thankful for Connie and this guy I met at the party.
Although a lot of guys were hounding for her, this guy protected me throughout the whole night :)
Tee hee~ ♥

I hope I see him again some day. If not, then well...c'est la vie.
Thank you for the great memory!
Seriously...I needed some feeling of support rather than from my family. I have friends, but they're busy and have their own drama. I don't want to talk their ears off and such. I want to help them as they have always helped me. Thank you guys! ♥♥♥♥♥
But this feeling of happiness and enjoyment didn't last so long...I mean, greatful that Leslie picked me up...but reality was waiting for me at my apt :\
But of course I did screw up and let the highschool version of me get out and write stuff out of anger (it felt good at the time!) from my family and friends are in reach :)
Thank you Leslie! And special thanks to my sisters + Mandy, lol

Right now...I'm just going to go through this last week before Spring Break...I'll update more for the recent days. Hey, there's atleast pictures in this entry. BE HAPPY!
Labels: ECAASU, New Jersey, New York