So St. Eds has three new dorms and two brand spankin' new cafeteria underneath them.
Freshman 15 anyone?
The kids who live here are gunna gain a lot~~~~but hey, they're frikkin lucky!!! When I lived in East it took like 5 mins (depending on how slow you walk up the hill) to get to Rags! >(! And the food wasn't really that great either....saaad face. I actually do like the new cafeteria better.

Chillin' before Japanese class...wow...I really like how the table is reflective...and dusty (I drew :D!)

It's been frikkin' windy these days...Lillian's freakishly long hair was attacking everything! First it was me...then her friend Natalie :(!

Tee hee...I went to their class for and drew before the teacher came :D
Recently I've been joining Kathleen and Leslie out for nights at the cafe. Either that or just roam around St. Eds campus...raping people and vandalizing.
I mean... >_>!

Swing swing...


Right before Spring Break was let out...They played Labyrinth (feat. David Bowie) on the lawn.
OMG I forgot how great and cheezy that movie was. David Bowie was pretty sexy with his eye stabbing CROTCH of doom. Ahhhhh watching it on the big screen made it worrrrrse!!!!

Just before Spring Break...I met up with Kelsey again!

I took her to Yogurt Planet and we also walked around at the Triangle...
Damn...those fuckin' lofts are niiiiice.....$1200 & up a month though?
I also saw Watchmen at the Metropolitan.
That theatre is like Austin's version of the Palladium
Both nice and fancy...$$$$$$$ :(!

Watchmen was a great movie. The visuals were stunning...but Dr. Manhattan's....uhm...blue glowing...naked body was just
EVERYWHERE. And WOW! The sex scene in Archie (ship)...
softcore, much??? :O! Wowweee!
But I have to admit...it was pretty funny seeing families leave because of all the violence. It's rated R, stooge. Leave your children at home. This is NOT a movie they should be seeing...says the one who saw "Shakespeare in Love" and "Titanic" in 4th or 5th grade. XD!!
Okay okay...talking about being in San Antonio now! ...I've been...clubbing at the Bonham. It's soooo flamboyant, but the music is awesome :D! The first time I went was for Kicchan's Birthday.
(hehehe~ he had a staulker...
when we went again the 2nd time
...he was there! XD)
Happy (belated) Birthday!!! Hurrah!!!
Latest club adventure Trekkie and Judy came! We met up with Juliette and Jezz...Vanessa was SUPPOSED to come...but her mother took her phone. So she says....(j/k). >_>
VANESSA WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER MY CALLS?!?!?!I'm breaking up with you!!!!
Alas...I didn't left my camera and glasses in Austin during Spring Break...so no pictures for the recent club adventure...or for the week....ahhhhhhhhhh I heard my camera crying for me all week!
I'm sorry! ;A;!!!!
Spring BreakI've been cheating on it though...
Hey...I had to, how could I have missed the opportunity in taking pictures in NYC and Philly?
I would've died.
btw, here are the albums :)
Philly, PANYC INYC IINYC IIINYC IVI must say, my favorite part of the trip was going to Chinatown...haggling is fun! Or atleast playing the "cute" card and being all "Mmm~I dunno~I DO liiiike it~" causing them to lower the price.
Tee hee!
Hitting up the Japanese restaurants was awesome. I truly found heaven when I went to Kinokuniya.
OMG....so expensive, but what isn't? It's in NYC for chrissake!
Avenue Q was also a spectacle to see. Hahah Puppet sex.
San Antonio...my last bit of Spring Break...was great :)
The weather was beautiful. In the 70's not that cold, warm, and sunny.
Friday: I hung out with Vanessa and Judy at Kate's Frosting before I went to work.
Afterwards, I met up with Kicchan. Introduced him to Vanessa and my favorite thing to do...
HAPPY MEAL RUNOhhh McDonalds, how you makes those little meals happy with a toy and sprinkle of nostalgia~!

Saturday: I saw "I Love You, Man" with Judy, Jenny, and Trekkie. OMG that movie was soooo awkward and hilarious! Some parts were even hard to watch due to how TRUE and Awkward it was.
Lol I especially liked Doug the gay guy. "It was a taste of betrayal, you fucking whore!"
This genre of Bro-mance is great.
Sunday: JapaNoodle....oh w/e, I'm going to keep calling it Japan Nite. Just because I'm "old school" like that. Birthday Suits, quaff, The Emeralds, and Peelander-Z were playing. Sorry guys, there weren't any chick bands playing. Those are the ones that make the night all cutesy.
As usual, soooo many otakus and weeaboos. All mostly from SAC or are customers of the store.
OMG omg omg seriously though, there was even a guy that had tried to pick me up at the store!
He was there! Eeeee~! I was like "oh dear, uhm....invisiblilty cloak!" I mean c'mon, I was a total jerk to him.
(Me registering him up)
Uhm....are these good? (referring to the an pan)
(stares at him dully....looks at Mari)
Uhm, yah! They're really good actually :)
Oh....are they sweet? (looking at me)
(stares at him dully...looks at Mari)
Ah-Uhm, yeah! They're sweet with the sweet red bean paste in the middle.
Your total is ______, thank you very much and have a nice day.
...wha? I was tired! And Mari and I were going to change shifts soon! Ahhh but I'm going to kill Mari and Lori. After the guy left, Mari and Lori were laughing.
"Are these sweet?....like you????
Anywaaaaays, quaff was awesome! Makito (the guitarist with crazy red hair) remembered me from the last time they came (during the fall)!!! *0*!!!! Ohhhhh happy face! He was the one who remembered me from MySpace first when I asked him for an autograph. The other bandmates didn't remember me...sad face, but hey? I don't blame them. They ARE a band that tours a lot.
I'm just glad that my sisters, their friends, and Kicchan liked them.
Personally, I like them because of their clash of Japanese folk music with rock. the Fue sounds so pretty~~~~!
All in all....my Spring Break was pretty damn good. My life is starting to brighten up again :)
Soon Summer will be here. I can't wait to move out of here! Hope it's all for the best.
Labels: clubbing, I love you man, Japan Nite, labyrinth, movies, New York, Pennslyvania, spring break, St. Edwards, watchmen