I can tell you one thing...AT LEAST 3 of these things will be checked off...and that's not going to be the last one. ( ^^;;)
Went to sleep early last night and I kept having the most surrealist dreams (well, it's a dream. duh.) and last nights...I felt like I was spinning. Most of these dreams have been very much like a carnival. Kind of a fun pun on life. Now...I kind of wish to go back to sleep...Zzz...It's more fun to dream...you can fly!
Well...gotta saddle up. Lots to do today. Have to keep my mind busy. Stop thinking. Stop being needy towards people. Especially to him. I'm feeling pretty explosive today...like I want to get punched. But of course I'm too much of a pussy to get in an actual fight :P
I wonder...what will the following days bring?
I know I'm not so strong and I have been bitching too much, but...I can't help but hope for the best. Especially since I will be moving out. Strike that. I think it will go up and down. But when I move out...
たぶんもっともっと寂しいくなる。私にだれもいない。それ考える時...“違うよ!”と思う。“ほら、いい家族と友達がいるからそれでいいじゃない?” 。何か自身がなくなった。...今だけどね。まった元気になる。I'll be fine!!!
But until then...I need to go to work! ( >< ;;)