Hallmark's Money Making Baby Day,
A Consumer Whore's LOVE Day~!

or to be a bit more bitter about it:
Today is going to suck...so many reservations at the restaurant...
And no Valentine for me....Psh, oh woe is me!
Oh wait, no no I DO have a Valentine~
& Temporary Valentines
♥♥♥If you can get 5 temporary Valentine = 1 actual Valentine ♥♥♥
Maybe? :P
So far... I has
Trekkie ♥
Joselelele ♥
V-sa/Judy ♥
Ceruti ♥

Ramos ♥
Well....I don't really need 5, but at least I have them ♥♥♥
My Valentine's day was fun :)
***Through-out the night V-sa and Judy were being switched around on the Valentine count...
and then Judy....well, Judy is stupid. :P
I finally met up with Jessika, but no Jul :(
...drama drama drama...(and I missed it! Thanks a lot Vanessa!)
drama over a shady person from the past...
Eeee...well, can't put much on here seeing as how ANYONE can see this.
Meh, there's the Pro's & Con's of Blogger.
Sure, freedom of speech etc. I shouldn't be afraid of putting my 2 cents on here, but y'know...?
That's all b.s.
Information is a scary thing. But if you're close to me, you'll probably hear all this from me anyways. Ah~ but doesn't it suck?
I've also been having dreams. Dreams from the past warping with the present to the point where it seemed like it would happen in the future. I know it may all be known-sense. But heh, dreams are dreams y'know? It can't be helped to start wishing for some of them to come true.
What to do, what to do indeed.