Kokeshi Doll:
Seen Through Wide Screen
Thursday, August 28, 2008
First week of School
Okkkk, I has internetz now! Yay! It is my time to start updating :D Don't worry, I didn't forget my dear staulker friends ;P

Sunday Night: I arrived in Austin after getting a bit....lost...sorry Mari & Jose! But man, that night we got things going. We first set up the futon, then the chair, and last the desk. I want to kick myself in the ass, the desk had so many fucking things to assemble! I am NOT going to disassemble them whenever I move back...ahh but I'm worried about the end, I need someone to move in for my place during the summers and then someone to move in WITH me. Ohhhh what to do, what to do. Anyways...for those of u interested here's my room:It's pretty small, but cozy :) It's RIGHT next to the restroom, and I have a balcony! It's great :D
I'm still SOME WHAT unpacking....heh...I'm a bit lazy, and besides....I think I'm good....maybe.
The view from my room.

MONDAY: I.....got lost getting to school......and I live like 2.2 miles away from St. Eds, takes 5 mins or so to get there depending on traffic....SHADDAP! You don't know me, don't judge!!!
.....Pathetic! XD
I had Japanese, World Lit, Typography, and Sequential Art. I know Sequential Art is going to be my favorite class...EVER! I mean, our field trip is to go to the Austin Comics! Also, DAVID MACK is going to come and lecture! Fucking Awesome!

After my classes, I dropped by Kathleen's apt. :D!
She lives on campus in an efficiency...lucky bastard!
Those counters were freakishly tall :\
After a while, Leslie came by!
The hell is Kathleen doing? It's chill....it's her place, after all :P

TUESDAY: I had sculpture and World Religions....Sculpture is FUN, but time consuming....but look! here's my first sculpture! Our project is to make 3 mini torsos (4"-5")...due...Thursday, I think? After classes I went back to my apt waiting for Shrek, so we can go and eat at the lovely Mings w/ slushies....GOD, how I MISS that! OH, but speaking about missing things.....I saw someone who I missed! KELSEY!! Ohhhhh Joy! T'was funny, we were in the cafe and kept staring at each other until one of us was like:
Me: "...Kelsey?"
Kelsey: "...Kat?"
Both: OH MY GOD!!My Futon-Bed! I have set as a couch....I don't like sleeping in wide areas, I'm not used to it... :\
"God Damnit Shrek, where the hell are u?" :P
Wow...with that red streak, it almost looked like I was bleeding from my temple.....WHO SHOT ME??
....Don't I have anything better to do? No...cause I'm a loser :( Or well...I SHOULD be doing hw! XD
Well, when Shrek came we went to eat, then he helped me go to some book stores to find the reading material for Typography....we got lost. I had to txt Vinnie quite a bit XD but of course, we found it at least?...but they didn't have it. Sucks. We then went to target to get a laundry bag, and then to wal-mart for a trashcan (Target was closing and didn't have a lot of selection). Ahhh but it was a funny night, I kept missing with his GPS. It can have an Irish or British accent!!! HILARITY ENSUES!

WEDNESDAY: Didn't do much really, just watched TDI, Proj Runway, and Shear Genius with Vinnie and Shrek. Yes! We have cable tv now! :D
After t.v., Shrek and I went to Denny's....damn, those Hot Fudge Brownie A La Mode are delicious....like heaven! Damn Jose and Jenny...introducing it to me!
Look how widdle Vinnie is compared to Shrek! XD! Ohhhh man....even I'M taller than her! She's like Mari :P ...I LOVE YOU MARI!!!

In sculpture, there was a model. Yes, we had to sculpt him. While he was nude. Well....I am NOW used to it due to Drawing (last year). Thankfully, it wasn't an old smelly guy. This time he was young, like in his 20s. Just to answer Trekkie's q of "was he cute?" ....meh, he's decent XD
Before going to World Religion after Sculpture I discovered the weirdest thing...a Gay Feminist. Not a lesbian, a GAY as in a fag (not in a hateful sense, those type of gay guys who are flamboyant sense). He was talking about how much of a feminist he is, but not in a political way. Instead, he was a feminist in a spiritual/emotional sense.....interesting.

After classes and getting my net set up, I went on the bus to see Kelsey at her last day of work (she was also gunna give me a 30% discount on a pair of shoes if I found one that I liked).
Bus approximately takes 22 mins (walking and waiting at the stop included) to get to school...and an HOUR to get to the drag. So much fucking traffic and was so packed!
The only great thing about it was....I was sitting next to a hot guy from my school XD
Wha? He's so pretty, looks like a model....even has long slender legs like a model too!...hey, don't look at me like that. I'm not a perv! I at least tried talking to him and not staulking him ::coughcoughvanessacoughcough::: His name is Andrew :)
Doesn't that lady have a crazy hat? It's pretty funny and kool. Haha..I bet Andrew thought I was weird....sad face.
There was an argument between this old black woman and a black family. The little girl of the family was like "I wish you would move" to her dad (because they were crammed by the 2nd door), and the old woman thought she was talking to her and told her to be patient. The dad thought she called his daughter something, and got all protective over the girl. Needless to say the old woman and the dad got in an argument. lol I must admit, it was fun to watch.

Needless to day, I didn't make it on time to get shoes with a discount. Wasn't like there was a pair that I really wanted. Besides, I got to meet up with Kelsey nonetheless :)!
Sad face, she couldn't get on the bus due the driver telling her to throw away her drink...and she refused XD
On our way back on the bus, I saw a guy who had Judy's hairstyle. I kind of screamed, and Kelsey was like "OMG! It looks like Johnathon(her bf) and Judy combined!!!"
Judy, I found ur long lost cousin/brother!!!

That about sums my first week here, I'll be back in SA for the weekend to work at the restaurant.
Sorry for the long post!

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Friday, August 22, 2008
...What was Post #3 supposed to be?
So...Tuesday, I went up to Austin w/ Yuuko and Judy. Packed most of my shit to my new apt. We even went to Ikea to get me a futon :)...Ikea was fucking HUGE!
Judy and I got LOST in this place (Yuuko stayed in the car, to nap....but she didn't :\)
We were here for like an hour in the exhibit area, and us with our ADD, were like "oooh that's a cool chair" or "ooooh I would LOVE this set up in my room!".....halfway throughout this marvelous misadventure, we realized there were arrows on the ground instead of following the map....wow.
Then we went into the self-serve hardware area. That's where we realized...there were doors that cut from certain areas.............they were SECRET doors I tell u! SECRET!

After that great moment, we drove back to San Antonio....and wow, were there excitement in that!
We got rear ended :\ by some ex navy guy. I felt SO bad for him, he looked so shocked and scared when he came out of the car. Good thing he's an honest good guy, he followed us to the gas station and looked at both conditions of the car. Exchanged info, etc.
THEN as we continued onto the highway, there were pieces of furniture on the road! Everyone had to break and swerve around. Ohhhh scary, poor Yuuko. She felt a bit fragile at that point. I mean, we WERE in Papa's van after all.

When we got back to SA, Yuuko, being the sleepiest one had to go work at the restaurant. Sucks :\
....well....at least I got majority of my stuff there and my tires fixed...yay?


.....well nothing really happened, was supposed to meet him with everyone at his house to play games...but I still had work. Instead, I picked Judy up and we met at Bubble Head. Ohhh...our last drinks at Bubble Head before departure :\ Ah, but he left early cause he was going out to eat dinner with his family. Le sigh, it was short meet but I hope you have a great time at Villanova, Jose!
(saw this on the way of picking Judy up XD)
Since Jose left, we all went our separate ways. We didn't do anything after his dinner, so Judy and I went to pick Vanessa up. We had a Mighty Kids Meal picnic at the Landa Library park :D!
Wooo...go clone!...I don't even care for Star Wars...?

To end the night, we made s'mores (at the same place :P)
We couldn't make a real fire due to many reasons....oh c'mon, it's common sense!
So we used candles....it worked :).....alright.
BUT for SOME reason it kept going out. Judy and Vanessa say cause there was a ghost present or something, but I'm thinking there was a bit of a wind...well, no it wasn't windy...hm.......
W/E stupid candles were just weak, that's all!It's a Heart!.....of FIRE AND WAX! Mmm...s'mores....we used chopsticks as skewers btw :P hey...it works!

MY DAY.....sucked :\

Nothing was planned, or well it wasn't known that tonight would basically be my last night to hang out here in SA. Originally, I had planned to hang out with Vanessa but she had family over. Judy was with the trio, and I never really hear from Trekkie :(
Well, at least I got things accomplished I suppose. I woke up early and got my transcripts from SAC so I can transfer my math credits to St. Eds. I also got my hair dyed :D :D :D !!

Can you tell the diff? I bet you can't!...well, at least not from this picture :P But I assure you it's pretty nifty.WA-LAH!!! See? It's a bit subtle, but it's pretty red on the bottom. Will look awesome when I put it up in a ponytail or something. Oh Joy~!
I need to texture the black part of my hair, so the red would show more...hm...but I'm leaving to Austin on Sunday....oh well. So yeah...that was all for my day. So fun that I am officially broke. Well not really, but I'm not going to use the rest of my money. I have to put it all in the bank. Needs to pay the bills! Gahhhh, I'm so sleepy and bored now....my cue to just shut up and sleep @_@

How uneventful.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Post # 2 Monday: Jenny's day!
Man, Monday was raining. We had plans to go to the zoo! It stopped for a bit, but we DID go...:D
I'm not going to post the pics on here mind u, I'll post them in facebook. There's waaay too many pics.

Zoo: I
Zoo: II
Zoo: III

After the zoo, The Hollister Bros (Jose and Brandon) had to go. Sucks :\ but we went to Demos. Delicious. But after the zoo, as Judy and I got there. I realized I lost one of the back pieces of my earring...it wasn't like any other back it had chains of stars. ALSO, one of my tires was deflating. Not. My. Day. :\ At least I had my friends who knew what they were doing...or well, at least Trekkie and Judy?

After we dropped my car off, we went to Half Price :) So many interesting things there, I even bought Aladdin! Hellz yah! I lost my copy, so had to get a new one....I wonder if i still have Lion King? I saw a copy there.... hm...
The HELL is this crazy thing??

There were kitties! But...they were human shy...and the "Whities" scared them....

To end the night, we went to TCBY
Mmm...Frozen Yogurt~!
"Say 'ahhhhm'!"
Circle of friends w/ ice cream/frozen yogurt

ALAS, the time came when we had to depart. I'm glad you got there safely Jen-Ep!!! I hope you have another great semester at Tech! Be sure to visit Austin! :D!!!
Couldn't get anyone to take a pic...so....here's something for this summer memory's sake :)!

Have fun!!!
See you again, sometime soon!!!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Post # 1 This weekend
I've been working weekends now :\ Right when Jose and Jenny are going to leave. Sadnessss.

But Saturday was pretty slow. I'm complaining about the profit we made, but....I'm not complaining cause I didn't have to do so much :D I mean what?....I'm not lazy or anything.... >_>
Heh....I see Yuuko^My mama is so pretty! Uncle Pat...chattin' up the customers....he's so flirty....I mean, what?So I "invited" some friends to eat the restaurant.
More like me whining to them saying, "COME EAT AT THE RESTAURANT! It's SLOW!!! :("
I thought they were all hanging out, but apparently not. But hey, at least Shrek, Jenny, Trekkie, and Abraham came :D
My mom really spoiled them w/ tempura and sushi.....The "Whities" weren't even that hungry XD
But Hey, at least Shrek ordered something :)Ahahahah, Shrek is the minority of the group! :P
After the restaurant closed, my friends and I chilled outside of the restaurant chatting as usual. We hadn't seen Shrek in a while. 2 weeks for me, ever since I've been working more. Well, at least I'm bankin'. I need the money. No, I am not going to whore myself out. Ohhh responsibility, why must u continue to rain on all of us? Haha, it may be easier being a kid but there's a lot more things you're capable of doing as you grow older.
