Kokeshi Doll:
Seen Through Wide Screen
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Every time I look through my blogs (even the ones from highschool)...I think damn, i'm fucking emo.

Then I realize, for the most part, I only blog hen I want to vent or have a semi-pity party for myself. Pretty pathetic, I know.

But I also see these blogs as a letter to my boyfriend. Showing how I feel without being so emotional about it in person. Without too much confrontation. Because really...I'm a coward.

Blogs are for venting, at least in my POV, and now a days I felt like no one reads my blog. Maybe some strangers do? Give them some "juicy" drama stories for their sheer entertainment 😛

But today I was enthralled to realize that there are some people who read my blogs. They may not be friends but just acquaintances, but it's still an audience. I'm pretty amused yet shy about it...lol. My life isn't as glamorous as I make it out to be on FB or Instagram...but it's also not as depressing or pitiful as it is in my blogs~

Ah...but I'm getting ahead of myself....
They may just be some bored young suburban family with nothing to do but read this silly blog and messaging their old lovers through mixi.

All and all, this day was interesting. 😌

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Thursday, June 20, 2013
I wait and wait and wait...

But he always comes too late.

Maybe I'm just not that patient?

Or maybe I'm just tired...

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Monday, June 10, 2013
In the beginning, he forgave me.

Now, I forgive him.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013
How am I supposed to feel?

I'm not sure anymore. But I sure feel stupid. (^^;;

Gotta focus. Gotta focus.

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There is never a good reason to become violent towards the person you are with...

The person who is the closest to us...we always tend to take out our stress on them...it doesn't make it right, it's just how it ends up.

There's always a whole range of emotions in a relationship...but I believe "fear" towards your partner shouldn't be one.


He said it was an accident. Pushing me down. Didn't think I was that light.
Haha...I know it wasn't an accident.


Funny. But if it was an accident, why were you still yelling and throwing things?
It wasn't an accident. 

Maybe we're  both just stressed...

But it wasn't an accident.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013
I wish for someone to talk to...someone to just text to. Talk to anytime. But it can't be just anyone, of course. Someone special. Someone interesting. Someone who will reply. Someone who makes you feel needed.

The one I'm with...barely replies. Or even texts at all...it gets lonely...

There was one person...but he's in japan now and he's busy, really...I just don't know what to talk about anymore.

There's another one who is abroad, but for vacation. I don't know what to talk about with him anymore...our views are different.

There was one person...but lots of drama and bad choices happened...and now I'm sure he hates me. I can't talk to him anymore anyways...

There have been people who text me but after a while it goes mute. Or it just doesn't seem interesting at all...

I am spoiled. Selfish. Needy.

But it always feels great to look at your phone...and see a message from someone dear. Smile. Heartbeat. 

Funny...I'm copying the same post from my first love. I guess I just miss the thrill. The reason to always check my phone.

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Self loathe
I hate how I'm stuck
I hate how I'm indecisive
I hate how I'm impatient
I hate how my self confidence is low
I hate how easily I can be swayed
I hate how much of an idiot I am
I hate how much of a spoiled brat I am
I hate slow I can be
I hate my source of common knowledge
I hate a lot of things about myself...

But i especially hate how you make me feel.

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