I haven't done this in a while! Yay~~~ A blog filled with pictures~~~! ...again, but this time Blogspot made it easier. FINALLY. So...I guess expect more updates? Hah...not likely....but I dunno...I'll try? Blogger recently caught my eye again...ohhh I have 3 blogs....Tumblr, LJ (angsty blog), and now Blogger...
Hm...well Tumblr is more for humor and LJ is said above...this blog will be more of a process blog.
Now...Lets begin, shall we?
3D design was tedious always...I hope these plastic models come out alright @_____@
Shit...I was so tired today that I just rode the shuttle instead of walking...besides, it was a bit too windy anyways. Lil'Ol' me would've flown awaaaaaaaaaaaay~! Heh.
It's kind of funny seeing all the people waiting for the shuttle...and me with my huge ass art bag walking in between the aisles...and hitting bad!
I really liked how they used colorful book cases...I want some bright bookcases now...♥
Hm...every Uni that I've been to (yes, yes...I transferred again...) has always had a Chic-Fil-A...well...except for St. Edwards. Damn hippies!
Gah...Drawing II...I kind of dislike this class, but this time...I actually like it. Color wasn't THAT bad for me compared to scale and proportions...and the color pencil bit was fun~~~♫!
Just chillin' before Physical Anthro....which was a HORRIBLE idea...I didn't realize we had HW
FUCK! (\( O____O ;;;;(\ )
But...thankfully I ran with all my might...printed the work sheets...and...well...had help from my peers.
Psh...look at that tool (my friend Nao...the one in the white hoodie) after panicking a bit during Phys.Anthropology...I panicked again in Survey of Modern Art. I normally don't bitch so much about teachers...I mean they are doing their jobs
tormenting teaching their students...well, usually they are reasonable. The last teacher I disliked at UIW...I guess she was trying to get me to suit up and work harder...but of course I grew more and more apathetic towards Graphic Design...It just...really lost it's flame with me...Sad, but true. Although she was a bitch, she got me to design a bit cleaner...and some advice on my career can't be too harsh with her...not like the one I am about to rant on now..........seriously WTF?!
1.) Art History teacher...still working on her degree. Well her masters, good luck to her.
2.) From Mexico, has a thick accent...her lectures go REALLY fast...and her vocabulary isn't THAT broad...she tends to ask questions about using a word correctly from time to time...well gotta give her credit for trying. A 2nd language is hard to learn, and teaching in it...? Daaaamn. Go her!
3.) Her Test: 1st one was easy, good study guide.
4.) Her Test: 2nd study guide. WTF?
5.) 2nd Test: Identify 10 artworks. She will not give a list for ANYTHING. She wont give us a list to study within...she wont give us multiple choices on them...WTF?!
6.) All my past Art History teachers have given me a 30-50 slide list, and would test us on at least 10 of them...sure that was hard...but at least they GAVE us an idea and was trying to AIDE us...WTF is UP with this woman?! We can't understand her, her lectures suck (they always get side tracked), and well...WTF?!
Bah...fuck that woman. She's nice...but she is retarded. There was a girl who was close to tears when the teacher was explaining how she wouldn't help us on the test...Well that girl seemed like an overachiever...but a really hard working don't blame her for panicking so much to the point of tears. At the moment...I'm just pissed. Utterly shocked really. But fuck comes another all nighter...gotta study rather than blogging and ranting on this late :P!
By the time my school day ends, the sun begins to set...
Labels: college, homework, school, stupidity, UTSA